Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Photo of the Day

The love of Archimedes (Rossano Brazzi) and Diana (Tina Louise) will be tested in the most epic way in SIEGE OF SYRACUSE

I always wondered if Tina and Rossano got along during this production. The reason I'm wondering is because it was obvious Tina got along with Kerwin Mathews in SAPPHO - VENUS OF LESBOS; Both SIEGE and SAPPHO would be Tina's only two PEPLUM films, both directed by the wonderful Pietro Francisci. Though SIEGE is more serious and more epic (and episodic), of the two Tina films I prefer SAPPHO because it's simply a fun film but I love all of Pietro's films including this one. Note: Tina has 3 names in this film.


Russ said...

I love Peplums. These old sword and sandal movies have a unique charm that the new CGI drenched movies fail to obtain.

If you like Greek myths then you should check out a new comic book app for the iPad.



Pal said...

ARCHIMEDES (Siege of Syracuse) is probably my favourite of the genre. Very well done (i.e., I love nice matte paintings), and has an intelligent plot.