I take a break roughly every two months so this is that time again.
So stay tuned!
I'll leave you now with King Leonidas (Richard Egan) from THE 300 SPARTANS (1962), saying "From this wall, we do not retreat!"
Karim (Steve Reeves) meets Kadeejah (Edy Vessel).
The movie on the left is THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF GUERRIN MESCHINO (1952) directed by Pietro Francisci. I can't wait to watch it. I already have it but in so so quality. Francisci directed the classic HERCULES (1958). This set has two discs.
Of course, the movie on the right is PERSEUS THE INVINCIBLE (1963; aka Medusa against the Son of Hercules). I already mentioned this but this set (it also has two discs) has the Spanish version in HD and the original Italian version on DVD. I already have these prints in my collection but I wanted the physical discs. I hope the original Italian version will be released on Blu-ray. I like the Spanish version but it's more of a curio to me than anything else. It has different scenes and special effects and added wardrobe malfunctions (yes, I'm not kidding) but the original Italian one is the best.
These Artus Films releases come with amazing booklets. The GUERRIN MESCHINO booklet has 60 pages. And the PERSEUS booklet has 31 pages by Michel Eloy (who follows me on Facebook). If every PEPLUM movie would be released this way it would be amazing! The only downside o Artus Films releases: no English audio. I'll have more in the near future.