Sunday, June 30, 2024


I take a break roughly every two months so this is that time again.

So stay tuned!

I'll leave you now with King Leonidas (Richard Egan) from THE 300 SPARTANS (1962), saying "From this wall, we do not retreat!"

Friday, June 28, 2024

Image of the week!

 Samson (Alan Steel) shows his strength in SAMSON AND THE SLAVE QUEEN (1963)

Lobby Cards Set: THE THIEF OF BAGHDAD (1961)

Original Italian lobby cards set of THE THIEF OF BAGHDAD starring Steve Reeves. Colourful set for a colourful movie. It's missing a major card with Giorgio Moll but aside from that, it's good. Maybe a bit too many battle scenes. I want it.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Mark Antony (Richard Burton) and Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor) in a 'fun' moment in CLEOPATRA (1963)

As I stated months ago, my views on this legendary movie has changed. I like it now. Does I still think it has tons of issues? Yes. None of my negativity of it has disappeared. I still think it's problematic but now I simply disregard them and view the movie has an epic achievement. I've watched it here and there and I realized how much I like this and that but disliked other parts as well. It's a HUGE movie. A very serious movie (one of my gripes). In the scene above, the couple are suppose to be enjoying a feast and of course, they don't. You sorta wonder why they're together since they always seem to be miserable. The movie should have shown happy moments. And this is the main problem I have with the movie: it's on cruise control. It's well directed and the script is well written but scenes happen one after another with little emotional impact. They're basically always the same tone. Once I realized this, my dislike of the movie disappeared. It's such a big movie that it couldn't afford to go off the rails, if you know what I mean. Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz, who also directed the equally super serious JULIUS CAESAR (see post below), knew what he was doing but, imo, he was too careful and the movie suffers from being too staid. It lacks liveliness. One scene has the same emotional impact as the next. But now with this in mind, I can finally enjoy it for what it is. It's spectacular and super serious, and sometimes mis-directed (the killing of Julius Caesar seen though the eyes of Cleopatra and her High Priestess is still a mistake in my's not the only 'mistake' scene), but it's quite the movie. I personally now prefer the second half over the first. There's something about Rex Harrison I just can't like. Peter Finch was cast initially as Caesar and he would have been pretty good (but maybe a bit too much like Burton). Harrison reminds me of a school principal or Professor Higgins. There are other actors in it who irk me but I have to say that Cesare Danova, as Apollodorus, is quite good. 

My previous rating was around 4. I now give it 7.5 out of 10. 


Marlon Brando takes a water break on the set of JULIUS CAESAR (1953)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Clip of the week: FURY OF HERCULES (1962)

Hercules (Brad Harris) shows his strength.

Just to note: there's a wardrobe malfunction in this scene. Posted at the WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS page.

BY THE GODS! magazine update...

As you might have heard, my mother ended up in the hospital back at the beginning of May. She's been out of the hospital for almost 2 weeks now and is on her way to recovery. It was quite an ordeal. Because of this, the third issue of BY THE GODS! magazine has been delayed. I'm still working on it but it will be published in a few weeks. I hope you all understand. For those who have bought one of the to issues published, go ahead.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Scenes from SHE (1965)

In this scene, Ayesha (Ursula Andress) shows the modern men, Peter Cushing and John Richardson, the lost Egyptian city inside the crater of a volcano. It's not really a matte painting just a painting. Since no other real element is part of the landscape, we're just looking at a painting. It's a special effects and not at the same time. The painting is credited to Bob Cuff. 



Then & Now: Lisa Gastoni

 Lisa in THE LAST GLADIATOR (1964); the most recent photo of the actress.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Sylvia Syms and Louis Jourdan, and a bunch of ladies, in AMAZONS OF ROME (1961) 

There's so much to write and say about this movie. It'll try to be brief. According to IMDb, thhree directors were involved with the movie: Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, Vittorio Cottafavi, Peter O'Cord. This makes sense. It's credited to Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, and he has directed a bunch of PEPLUM movies, including QUEEN OF BABYLON (1954) and HANNIBAL (1959), just to name a few. Carlo was experienced but the movie has definite Vittorio Cottafavi touches. A mix of serious and slapstick. The production is excellent. The cast, location, etc. All tops. I've watched this movie often when it played on a Canadian network called Drive-In Classics. Sylvia died last year. The English title is a bit deceptive as the Italian one translated into English was THE VIRGINS OF ROME. Nothing to do with Amazons. Everything is fine except for Louis Jourdan as a barbarian. He's one of the most suave actors ever. He simply wasn't believable as a barbarian. 

PEPLUM Movie Poster

French poster of GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS (1959)

The great artwork is identical to the original Italian poster (bottom left). They painted over the Italian title and added the French one. There's another version of this identical poster in French with slightly different lettering (below right).
 I posted the one on top because it was the cleanest. The poster claims Gabriele Tinti is in the movie. He's not!


Friday, June 21, 2024

Image of the week!

Astra (Gianna Maria Canale) sees an opportunity of getting to Goliath by holding on to Guja (Leonora Ruffo) in GOLIATH AND THE VAMPIRES (1961)


 PEPLUM star Reg Lewis on the cover of Young Mr. America. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


Marlon Brando as Mark Antony in JULIUS CAESAR (1953)

I rarely hear anyone talk about this movie. Does anyone like it? I like it. It has an amazing powerful cast, including the first film with future PEPLUM star Edmund Purdom. It's well made and captivating and yet I feel it's sorta forgotten. Is it because it was shot in black & white? Too serious? It is overlooked.


Arnold Schwarzenegger prepares for the crucifixion scene on the the set of CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1982)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Clip of the week: DUE SELVAGGI A CORTE (1959)

Alan Steel in an uncredited role is this rare movie. He's not credited as Alan Steel or Sergio Ciani in the movie and at IMDb. The movie had no English release. He has a few more scenes after this one. The title translates as TWO SAVAGES AT COURT.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

HD Alert!

Mara Lane and Brad Harris in 79 AD: THE DESTRUCTION OF HERCULANEUM (1962)

I just got an HD copy of 79 AD with the English audio added to it. The video is from the newly released German Blu-ray and my industrious friend already added the English track to it (since the English audio is not included in the BD). Needless to say, it's beautiful. As someone who has already watched this many times, I have to say the amount of details is quite something to see (click on images for details). The movie already had some decent DVDs so it wasn't like the movie lingered in obscurity but the upgrade is quite obvious. Since I just got this yesterday, I haven't had the time to watch it from beginning to end (and to compare it with other see if it's uncut) but yeah, it's an excellent release for PEPLUM fans.

Jany Clair and Mila Kacic (left)

I should have a full review of it soon and comparisons with other releases as well.

New X accounts! (updated)

I'm reposting this for two reasons: to remind people of following the accounts. I'm surprised the SEMIRAMIS one is lagging behind. Second reason: the url to all former Twitter accounts were transferred to a new X url. So, everything needed to be updated.

 SEMIRAMIS X account 

Dedicated to Queens of PEPLUM cinema!

MEN OF PULP X account

New AI generated retro images of Men's Magazines of the past. Totally new recreations and also vintage covers. Includes PEPLUM stuff.

PEPLUM TV X account


Main X account linked to PEPLUM TV blog.

Maciste X account 


Dedicated to Heroes of PEPLUM cinema.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Nancy Kovack as Medea in JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS (1963)

My favourite thing from this colourful movie is Nancy Kovack as Medea. The great effects are a close second. Personally, the male cast of this very male-centric story is ok but sorta lack charisma. Nancy, on the other hand, exudes warmth and intrigue in what is a limited role. When she finally appears, the movie sorta changes gear. I wonder if she has interesting stories to tell about the production. 

PEPLUM Movie Poster

Spanish poster of THE 300 SPARTANS (1962) 

Poster features the cast. I like it. But it's fairly standard poster style of the time. It was also released as THE 300 ESPARTANOS.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Images of the week!

Venus (Jackie Lane) tries to seduce Mars (Roger Browne) in order to get his lightning bolts, given by Zeus, which are on his ankles in MARS - GOD OF WAR (1962)

At the movies...

 The premiere of CLEOPATRA (1963) at the Pantages theatre in Hollywood.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Mark Forest is THE LION OF THEBES (1964) 

This is easily one of the best PEPLUM movies ever made. Everything is excellent. The story is a little weak but the very good production compensates for whatever weakness it has. The one big liability is Mark's stuntman, who was Giovanni Cianfriglia (below). Not that Giovanni is bad. He's not. He's an amazing stuntman/body double. The issue is body types. Giovanni is muscular but slim while Mark was thick. The *many* action scenes, all excellent and still thrilling, are jarring with the back and forth between Mark and Giovanni. One can overlook it but it's not easy to do so. This will become even more obvious in HD.

Giovanni Cianfriglia is also THE LION OF THEBES!


Director William Castle watches Rhonda Fleming play with a little snake on the set of SERPENT OF THE NILE (1953)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Clip of the week: APHRODITE - GODDESS OF LOVE (1958)

Diala (Irene Tunc) catches the eye of many people, including Anthony Steffen and Ivo Garrani. With Isabelle Corey.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Scenes from HEROD THE GREAT (1959) 

This movie has multiple excellent matte paintings. Here are two of them. The quality of this movie is tops (actors, sets, costumes, etc) so it's no wonder the effects were also very good. Exterior or interior (bottom), the work is almost flawless regardless of setting. These shots give the movie quite the epic feel to it.

Then & Now: Harry Hamlin

 Harry in CLASH OF THE TITANS (1981); A recent photo of the actor

Monday, June 10, 2024


Taina Elg and other women dance to summon/in honour of Dionysus in THE BACCHANTES (1961)

I like this film even though most PEPLUM fans who watch these movies for muscular action aren't much fans of it. I like it because it's one of the few PEPLUM movies which shows the relationship between Greek gods and mortals. Taina is quite good, in the acting department and the dancing one as well. I like this so much I was the first to make a Fan Dub of it from a very poor copy with the English audio (that was out of sync with the film) and re-edited with a nice print from Europe. The English audio is everywhere now but it all came from that one source. Is the movie perfect? No. It does have quite a few odd eccentricities but they don't bother me since the whole of the movie is so good. I hope to see it one day in HD and in English.

PEPLUM Movie Poster

British poster of BRENNUS - ENEMY OF ROME (1963) 

How did the British release change the movies title to SPARTANS is one major Cinematic Confusion. The original story has nothing to do with Spartans.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Image of the week!

Evil Ljuba (Maria Grazia Spina) has a change of heart after being wounded to inform bound Hercules (Mark Forest) of everything while he's been in chains in HERCULES AGAINST THE MONGOLS (1963)

Lobby Cards Set: CLASH OF THE TITANS (1981)

German lobby cards set of CLASH OF THE TITANS (1981) starring Harry Hamlin and many actors. Fantastic set. Gorgeous pictures. Excellent choices. A beautiful visual summation of the movie.

Thursday, June 6, 2024



Is this movie great art? Not really but I like it. It's very entertaining. Morris has very little dialogue in this. He's primarily an action star so dialogue is secondary. He's excellent in scenes which demand his physical abilities. Scenes from this movie were re-used in another movie also starring Kirk, MACISTE - AVENGER OF THE MAYANS (1965). It's odd to watch. They would make a fun and weird double feature. 


 Charlton Heston, in costume, on a vespa while on the set of BEN-HUR (1959)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Clip of the week: THE SPARTAN GLADIATORS (1964)

No subtitles needed. Starring Tony Russel and a host of Italian actors too numerous to mention. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

HD Alert!


There's a new German Blu-ray of this movie available on June 14 (it used to be May 31). These screenshots are not from the BD. I have yet to buy it but I will since this is one of the best looking PEPLIM movie. This scene alone, a gladiatorial event on a lake of fire, is worth to see alone. I will report on it once I get the BD. 

Brad Harris


Jacques Berthier and Mara Lane

Vintage Article

An old article on the business of bodybuilding and how it can lead to acting, like Mark Forest (aka Lou Degni) who retired as a rich actor. The image of Mark is from GOLIATH AND THE DRAGON (1960).

Monday, June 3, 2024


Rhonda Fleming and Dolores Francine in REVOLT OF THE SLAVES (1960) 

Rhonda plays a wealthy daughter of rich and powerful man who, with the many twists and turns of events of the story, ends up in prison with her handmaiden. This a fun, action packed movie few people remember. Many critics dismissed the movie as a lesser version of FABIOLA (1949 ) and even though the movies are based on the same source material and the similarities are obvious (Rhonda's character is called Fabiola. And there's Sebastien...), the two movies are completely different in tone and style. I don't see them as the same. I like both of them and the PEPLUM genre is big enough for both. I like Rhonda's role. It's interesting to see such a flawed character be one of the 'good guys.' As for Dolores, she only made a handful of movies, two of which are of the PEPLUM genre. Recommended.

PEPLUM Movie Poster

French poster URSUS - THE REBEL GLADIATOR (1962) 

Very nice poster. Nice colours. The title translates as URSUS THE REBEL.