Tuesday, June 4, 2024

HD Alert!


There's a new German Blu-ray of this movie available on June 14 (it used to be May 31). These screenshots are not from the BD. I have yet to buy it but I will since this is one of the best looking PEPLIM movie. This scene alone, a gladiatorial event on a lake of fire, is worth to see alone. I will report on it once I get the BD. 

Brad Harris


Jacques Berthier and Mara Lane


Anonymous said...

Although the regular edition pictured lists only German and Italian options, the Mediabook edition lists English. Do you have any idea if that is correct?

PEPLUM TV said...

I saw that as well. Hmm..I will have to contact my Euro friend

Anonymous said...

I made the mistake of buying the standard edition of a Spaghetti Western from the same company and it having no English language options only to learn that the Mediabook had an English track.

PEPLUM TV said...

My contact in Europe said there won't be any releases with English track, that includes the Mediabook for 79 AD. And he highly doubts HERCULES AGAINST THE BARBARIANS will have an English dub included.