Monday, January 31, 2011
Movie Poster Mondays
Pepluminous movie poster for SAMSON & THE 7 MIRACLES OF THE WORLD.
A fun film starring Gordon Scott and Yoko Tani. And in COLORSCOPE, no less.
A remake of this, with all its grandiose aspirations intact, would actually be cool.
Having seen it several times though, I still wonder what the 7 miracles are supposed to be. According to the poster, the 7 "miracles" are:
The man made earthquake (ok, that's one)
The chariot of death (huh? that's a miracle?)
The rock of freedom (?)
The tree of mystery (?)
The bell of truth (in the film the bell is called the bell of freedom)
The golden tiger (there's a tiger but just your average tiger)
The living dead (there were living dead in it? samson knocks himself cold and people think he's dead....)
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PEPLUM cinema
John Barry - RIP
Legendary film composer John Barry died yesterday. Barry was incredibly
versatile and composed some of the best film scores ever. He won 5 Academy
awards. Sadly, made very few scores for films that would fall in the PEPLUM
genre. Here's his only score for the "mature" Swashbuckler "ROBIN & MARIAN"
awards. Sadly, made very few scores for films that would fall in the PEPLUM
genre. Here's his only score for the "mature" Swashbuckler "ROBIN & MARIAN"
The first soundtrack record I've ever purchased was a John Barry score.
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PEPLUM cinema
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Photo of the Day
Carmen Electra, Sean Maguire and Kevin Sorbo star in the universally panned MEET THE SPARTANS.
Funny enough, Sorbo played Hercules in a long lasting TV series and was almost always dressed from head to toe. I always thought that was a bizarre decision. He was 37 years old when he started the series. When Sorbo decided to be part of this send-off of 300 and finally agreed to appear in some skimpy outfits, he was 50 years old!
Funny enough, Sorbo played Hercules in a long lasting TV series and was almost always dressed from head to toe. I always thought that was a bizarre decision. He was 37 years old when he started the series. When Sorbo decided to be part of this send-off of 300 and finally agreed to appear in some skimpy outfits, he was 50 years old!
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PEPLUM cinema
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Photo of the Day
The beautiful Marilù Tolo and the handsome Mark Forest make a sexy
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PEPLUM cinema
Cinematic Confusion
Video cassette cover for CARTHAGE IN FLAMES is really deceptive. Yes, Terence Hill
is in it but his role is minor and he hardly participates in any fighting. By looking at
this you'd think the film was an all out action film not the grand moody epic that it is.
Guaranteed that anyone who rented this because of the cover was disappointed by it.
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PEPLUM cinema
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Photo of the Day
Yul Brynner in the over-the-top ending from SOLOMON & SHEBA.
The ending is controversial in more ways than one. Personally speaking, it's thumbs down
for me as I find it to be more anti-climactic than anything else and it makes me giggle
but I have to admit it's spectacular in goofy kinda way.
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PEPLUM cinema
ARES - Greek God of the Month (week 3)
Mars, of Love & War
Mars (Ares) wasn't known only for being the God of War.

Mars & Venus by Carlo Saraceni
Mars ~ Bringer of War by Gustav Holst
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PEPLUM cinema
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Photo of the Day
Yoko Tani and Ettore Manni in URSUS & THE TARTAR PRINCESS.
I like almost every PEPLUM flick ever made but I still can't quite figure this film out. Is it good?
Is it bad? Is it good/bad? I'm sitting on the fence with this one.
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PEPLUM cinema
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
PEPLUM Babe of the Week: Sylva Koscina
Even if Sylva only made a handful of PEPLUM & Swashbuckling flicks, she left
a lasting impression on fans of the genre. To many, Sylva is the Queen of PEPLUM Cinema.
As Iole, Sylva will be eternally linked to Steve Reeves because of HERCULES (1958)
A young Sylva in HERCULES (1958)
Sylva starred in SIEGE OF SYRACUSE with Rossano Brazzi
Sylva as Theodora in THE LAST ROMAN
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PEPLUM cinema
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Photo of the Day
Steve Reeves wrestles Alan Steel (Sergio Ciani) during the opening credits
Alan can be seen sporadically throughout the movie but this is the only scene with the
two PEPLUM superstars are in full action together. If you blink, you'll miss this
scene. It's a shame they didn't make movies together.
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PEPLUM cinema
PEPLUM Cliché: Eating Grapes
Mimmo Palmara & Rosalba Neri in THE 3 AVENGERS
Harry Baird is fed some bountiful grapes by Janine Hendy in THOR & THE AMAZON WOMEN
Sophia Loren & Ettore Manni in TWO NIGHTS WITH CLEOPATRA
Sophia Loren again this time with Alberto Sordi in TWO NIGHTS WITH CLEOPATRA
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PEPLUM cinema
Current News
This was used as a base for an electric lamp but it turned out to be a 2,000 year old Roman vase which was sold for £445,250!
I love these stories!
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PEPLUM cinema
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Photo of the Day
Gina Lollobrigida in the "orgy" dance scene from SOLOMON & SHEBA.
This dance number is still considered pretty hot by today's standards.
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PEPLUM cinema
Cinematic Confusion
The official English title for Spade senza bandiera is SWORDS WITHOUT A COUNTRY. The word Sword is in plural. But everywhere elsewhere, including the TV listing I saw this film listed as was listed as SWORD WITHOUT A COUNTRY, Sword without an S. That single letter makes a big difference. Even IMDb (below) lists it in the singular. It's very common that titles for PEPLUM films are all messed up as the genre gets very little respect.
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PEPLUM cinema
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Photo of the Day
Wandisa Guida and Ettore Manni in REVOLT OF THE SLAVES.
They both gave the best performances in the film. Love this photo.
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PEPLUM cinema