Saturday, September 3, 2011

PEP Links

This blog is not the only source of PEPLUM stuff on them interwebs. Here are some links dedicated to the same subject. None of them cover the genre on a daily basis though. Wink wink.

SPAGHETTI CINEMA: managed by William Connelly, who's a Facebook friend. The blog's name says it all.

THE WILD EYE - another site that covers Italian cinema including, from time to time, epics from the PEPLUM genre.

COOLASS CINEMA: informative site has a section dedicated to Sword & Sandal films.

Steven Saylor's Sword & Sandal page: chock full of stuff at the author's website, including one page dedicated to Sword & Sandal flicks. He has a link to one of my Youtube channels. He also had one of my films, 79 AD THE DESTRUCTION OF HERCULANEUM linked at his site but I removed the movie. Oops! Sorry. 79 AD highlights are still on my Youtube channel.

MACISTE AND FRIENDS: micro-reviews (often negative) of PEPLUM flicks.

PEPLVM - IMAGES DE L'ANTIQUITE: a French blog/site that covers the genre in films and comic books.

PEPLUM clips: Another French PEPLUM page with clips uploaded at Daily Motion. The site is managed by Christian Folch, whom I friended at my Facebook page.

Cycle PEPLUM: Not really a blog or a specific website but a French channel shows Sword & Sandal films once or twice a week.

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