Tuesday, January 16, 2024

BY THE GODS! magazine and new projects!

A couple of announcements to make.

Above is the final cover of issue 2 of BY THE GODS! magazine, which I already posted about at the BY THE GODS! blog. I'm still working on it, making adjustments and changes. It should be ready soon. 

Below is a movie poster designed and created by me with AI. I'm currently working on a couple of projects, including one involving poster art inspired by PEPLUM movies. Even though there are tons of movies in the PEPLUM genre, I wish there were even more. And these recreations of movie posters and images, book covers, etc, make it possible. 

My other project is not PEPLUM related but it's from the same period. Recreations of pulp men's magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. I'm still thinking of a monthly magazine for this (yes, monthly) and or a coffee table book filled with colourful art. I'm still debating. My only problem: I want to use Amazon's self-publishing service but I'm still confused by it. MagCloud, which I use for BY THE GODS!, is so much simpler. If anyone can give me some tips on self-publishing in the US and Canada (and for the world), please leave a comment.

In an attempt to avoid any issues with copyrights, I won't be using real names on the poster art. So Steve Reeves becomes Steve Mitchell. And Sylva Koscina is Sylva Lopez. You get the idea. I really like the artwork above (it's a collage I created) and I try to recreate the poster style of PEPLUM movies.

This is not new to me. I already did faux magazine covers of famous magazines with stars of PEPLUM movies. I can't sell these but I had fun making them. The movie poster recreations are 100% original.

Edmund Purdom from THE EGYPTIAN

Claudette Colbert from CLEOPATRA

Charlton Heston from EL CID


Anonymous said...

You're obsessed!

PEPLUM TV said...

Yes lol!

Anonymous said...

Great poster indeed, although that neck of Sylva Lopez does not look right. An Amedeo Modigliani influence perhaps?

Stef said...

Awesome idea!!

Wasn't there a actress named Sylvia or Silvia Lopez in some Pepla stuff? Maybe change the name to Sally Lopez to be extra careful?

ooh, a Coffee Table book?!?! That would be so cool!

PEPLUM TV said...


There's Sylva Koscina and Sylvia Lopez. So mine becomes Sylva Lopez.


The poster is still a work in progress. It's not completed.

Thanks for the support!