Thursday, September 26, 2019

By the Gods!

Samson (Gordon Scott; Maciste in original) brings a young boy to a temple in SAMSON & THE 7 MIRACLES OF THE WORLD (1961)

Considering that this movie was directed by Riccardo Freda, one could say it's one of his least 'authored' production. There's not much of the usual stylish Freda touches to be found in it. That doesn't mean it's not good. I like it. There are many great scenes here and there. It's just that Freda's distinctive style is missing. The film could have been directed by any other director.

The entire beginning was cut for the US release. Is it important? Yes and no. It does set up the characters and situation but it does drag the film a bit so it's understandable why 10 or so minutes was cut. The sad part: no English dub for those 10 minutes available anywhere. On a side note, not a single Gordon Scott PEPLUM movie is available on Blu-ray.

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